About Us
Every aspect of producing crops involves a system. Your truck, tractors, combine, etc. all must utilize a system to operate efficiently. Our crops and soils are no different. The more complete the system is, the more efficient said system operates. Producing consistent, high yielding crops is so much more than just N-P-K. This 'systems' approach is why AgriBio Systems was created and includes "systems" as part of our name.
The growing season of 2014 brought us the best "weather" year that any of us(including customers), had ever experienced. It was never too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry. Many producers were expecting to harvest 300+ bushel corn yields that fall due to the "perfect" growing season. Once harvest began, it didn't take long to realize that those 300+ bushel levels were not going to occur. Sure, 300+ was experienced in areas of fields, but not entire field averages.
Understanding the Why's (Y's) has become a lost aspect of agronomy. There are 17 essential nutrients that have been identified for crop health and production. That number is much higher than that, though some are needed in such trace amounts they are not yet included as "essential".
AgriBio Systems was created to help you overcome these issues and increase your success and profit.